
John  does a great job of keeping me fit and keeping the workout fresh and new each week.  I only go once a week but really feel it is worth it.  So just in case you are looking for someone, FitPlus+ is your place!
-Cindy Ferrara 

I have worked out with John for 10 years. What I value so highly is his energy and dedication in helping me reach my fitness goals. He keeps workouts fresh and exciting, teaches me the right way to do the activities and adjusts on the fly as needed. His focus for me is on overall fitness and health. I would not be successful without him.
-Liddy Heath

I started working out with John two years ago after I broke my left elbow. I need someone who could help me regain strength quickly and get me back to my normal routine quickly. John did that. I now feel stronger than ever and appreciate him pushing me each week to do my best.
-Katie Thomas